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Cellular Bass® Loudspeaker from Compbass Ltd

[Category : - OTHER- DESIGN PATENTS- Audio - Video]
[Viewed 7110 times]

Cellular Bass® compact bass loudspeakers are leading edge products that reproduces clearer and deeper sub-bass sounds than vented bass loudspeaker enclosures. Pictures Link

The enclosure is designed to give the Front and Back of the bass driver balanced air pressure loading. This special feature reproduces more accurate sub-bass fundamentals without the boom effects of vented enclosures. The loading chamber has an output for sub-bass sounds and can be front facing or at floor level, the built-in Sub-Bass Amplifier has a limiter to prevent overloading.

Cellular Bass® loudspeaker systems have undergone extensive product improvements since the patent was granted and more industry tests and field trials were done. It has been successfully built into designs having: high, middle and Cellular Bass® units for the Home Entertainment and home/disco markets. Website at Link with full details of the Sub Bass loudspeaker.

Financial information

There are strong marketing features:

Cellular Bass ® is a registered trade mark for the unique sub bass system which can be built into various loudspeaker design combinations for home entertainment, disco and games.
See Link

The unique Cellular Bass® module is patented for Home Entertainment Systems and not previously sold elsewhere.
It reproduces clearer sub-bass output than other compact enclosures.
The unique style of enclosure offers many new design possibilities.
Single driver Cellular Bass® enclosures with 8-Ohm 150watt peak rating, can be marketed as a unique, patented sub bass loudspeaker giving the new experience of clear, high performances for upgrading Home Entertainment Systems.

Compact 3 way models for home/disco have a high tweeter, mid driver and a Cellular Bass® module. Rated at 8-Ohms 180Watt peak power output.
The high output version is 4 x Cellular Bass® modules built into a single enclosure to produce high SPL output of 640Watts peak power.

CompBass Ltd is seeking partners for opportunities in licensing, manufacture, marketing, display and sales.

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