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Continuous feed inter-dental brush and device
[Category : - HEALTH]
[Viewed 1955 times]
An inter-dental brush is provided with a handle that accepts a cartridge housing continuous inter-dental brush feedstock. Used, worn out brush is cut off by a slidable cutter provided on an angled portion of the handle. Fresh inter-dental brush is fed out from the continuous inter-dental feedstock by turning a knob on the handle. The protrusion length of the inter-dental brush is controlled by the number of turns. The knob is connected to a gear that pushes against the feedstock, driving the brush through an aperture in the angled portion of the handle. Within the cartridge, the feedstock is removably attached to one swivel and is wrapped around a second swivel. The swivels have a brake that produces a taut feedstock as the brush is fed out. The cartridge may contain a single roll with a brake instead of a pair of swivels.
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