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Mumo travel buddy for child car seats and push chairs

[Viewed 3700 times]

Apparatus 101 for attaching to a child vehicle seat 102 comprising: a seat cover portion 201 for locating on a child vehicle seat
the seat cover portion defining at least two slots 204,204A configured to allow a seat belt to pass therethrough. A transducer unit configured to provide mechanical vibrations
and a signal generator unit 202 for supplying the transducer unit with an electrical signal to enable the transducer unit to mechanically vibrate. The slots may comprise closed edge slots or open edge slots sealable by Velcro (RTM). The transducer unit may comprise piezoelectric ceramics, and be configured to additionally provide sound. The signal generator may be powered by either batteries or by the vehicle itself, and may be controlled by a wireless remote 211 which may additionally be docked with the signal generator to enable recharging.

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Hi I would like to sell my patent out right for a minimum of $40,000. The product is innovative and fantastic and has the capability to be the next big thing for child travel systems. Keep children happy and entertained on the move with this unique product. Please visit the website to see photos and more information about the product.

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