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EDEN |1| Patent Able To Do-Generate All The Other Patents

[Category : - OTHER]
[Viewed 1861 times]

I have been submitting patent applications in the Federal Bureau of Innovations (F.B.I. this is how i call it otherwise it is State Office for Industrial Property Link) in three copies. one was held in the archives, the other is for processing and one is returned to me as a verification for my submission. i been doing this since year 2001. what i noticed while i attempted to hook'em up my innovations on the net after verified version was returned to me is: these are not actually innovations but they are merely prints in A-4-Format with 3500 Height x 2840 Width pixels each. adding up that every pixel comes in 256 red shades, 256 green shades and 256 blue shades i concluded. I WILL GIVE THEM ALL THE INNOVATIONS IN THE WORLD @ ONCE if i make up 2^(256 x 256 x 256 x 2840 x 3500) pictures which are all the variations of images in that format in 16.7 million colors. but it doesn't stop there. this wide array of prints besides innovations brings all the scientific books, all the cosmos images, all the theories, all the court evidence even for crimes that didn't happened and never will everything everything everything... okay so be it, i will call this innovation INNOVATION NUMBER EDEN |1| ABLE TO DO-GENERATE ALL THE OTHER INNOVATIONS IN THE WORLD otherwise known as ДЕДАНОЕВАТА ЧЕРГА НА ПИСМЕНОСТА (dedanoe's carpet of literacy). now to give you a clue how big this number is well what do i tell you, in binary it takes 30 Mega Bytes just to write it down and have it written while all the prints may fill up several, multiple or more galaxies at once put one on top of other and bunch besides bunch... and Macedonians keep telling me: ПРУЖИ СИ ГИ НОЗЕТЕ ДЕДАНОЕ КОЛКУ ТИ Е ДОЛГА ЧЕРГАТА = extend your legs dedanoe as much your carpet allows you to... won't it be too much of elongation ??? i better not.


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i am looking for an outright sale. i had one interested buyer but he's consuming plenty of my precious time. what is the market potential: man i make you God/Goddess/Devil/Satan with monopoly over everything. i am in a hurry to collect the money the whole one billion Macedonian denari (it's a reasonable price won't you agree). the patent is located at: Link it is in MKD language (with infotwisters) so you'll use right. yes my ladies i am confirmed lunatic ever since the Independence of MKD and The Name Issue between Macedonia and Greece year 1991.

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