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Air Cooled Umbrella

[Viewed 3971 times]

An air cooled sunshade constructed to provide cooling under the canopy of the sunshade. The foldable canopy of the sunshade is comprised of a plurality of segments of elongated panels having embedded solar panels and a plurality of segments of pliable material to allow the canopy to easily stretch when in the open position and collapse in the closed position, typically arrange having one elongated panel connected on foldable material segment arranged around a center piece. In an embodiment disclosed herein, the pliable material is formed as a pipe having an upper layer and a lower layer, the lower layer having pours through which air can flow to the area under the canopy. The air can then flow from a fan or an air conditioner mounted on the center piece and allowing air to evenly flow under the canopy. The solar panels are connected to provide the necessary energy.

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I am looking to sell the invention. Could discuss licensing or another form of partnership depending on the case.

The invention has never been sold or marketed.

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