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Self-Contained Self-Elevating Platform Lift

[Viewed 6518 times]

Patent Abstract below:
In one embodiment, a self-elevating platform lift for moving objects between a first level and a vertically-elevated second level is provided. The platform lift comprises: (A) a platform for supporting the objects
(B) a plurality of lift lines for connection at the second level and for moving the platform
and (C) a motor connected to move with the platform and wherein the motor operably is connected to the lift lines for moving the platform between the first and second levels while being supported by the lift lines. In another embodiment, a lift installation is provided for moving objects between a first level and a vertically-elevated second level comprising: (A) a platform for supporting the objects
(B) a plurality of lift lines fixed at one end to extend downward from the second level for moving the platform
and (C) a motor connected to move with the platform and wherein the motor operably is connected to the lift lines for use in moving the platform between the first and second levels while being supported by the lift lines.

Invention provides a simple, safe and easily installed platform lift for loading and lifting objects to and from elevated levels of potential application areas; custom or production, consumer or commercial, listed below.
It solves the problem of having to lift and carry heavy objects up or down a set of stairs which can easily cause serious injury and/or death to the carrier. Also can be used for transporting heavy materials to levels, above or below, for any reason needed. Nothing is required to be installed above the second level, allowing complete headroom; "a clear path", above the lift. The novelty of the invention relies in that, "the lift mechanism is in the lift", and therefore moves with the lift, offering many advantages and benefits!

Financial information

We offer an exclusive license, requiring an ongoing royalty.
Or, an outright sale of the Patent.

Market potential for this lift product is enormous, with just a few applications , shown:

Garage type attics, basements, lofts, mezzanines, balconies, elevated beach-
houses, service and/or repair of tower operations, materials handling, dumb-
waiters, specialty lifts, upper level ceilings, etc.

And to the following:

Home Depot
Walmart, etc.

Northern Tool
Harbor Freight
Tractor Supply
Elliots, etc.

Home builders
Home owners [existing & new]
Remodeling firms
Construction firms
Garage product sales firms, etc.

The patent covers a lift product that was designed ,developed and tested by an engineer / architect team. It is now being offered as such for the first time, to provide the industry with a new and unique product that is ready for market!

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