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Motor runing two system
[Category : - Motors]
[Viewed 2275 times]
Motor runing two system is a motor that can generate mechanical energy and electric energy at the same time.
By this type of motor is designed to have a reunion between the electric motor and dynamo in the same machine while working motor is able to generate mechanical energy and electric energy at the same time.
The electric motor can be created from the electromagnetic field that has major occurring while the motor is runing. The electric power that happen to be more or less, depending on the amount of electromagnetic fields caused components and other structures.
The motor of this type can generate electric power out as soon as the motor start working without the need to rely on the speed round one point before they can generate electric power a dynamo in general.
The mechanical energy can be made depends on the motor components like electric motors in general.
This type of motor has been listed as a patent number 8098 dip, Thailand, but this type of motor is also jost a small prototype motor created to demonstrate the principles and components of its work.
**The goal in creating this type of motor. Want what kind of motor is able to generate mechanical energy and electric energy out to be used at the same time.The mechanical energy can be driven by the electric power construction equipment can be used to charge the battery, which is also the source of energy to the motor, but with not many things not to develop the work better next. I have decided to sell the work to those who are interested to develop better, and can be used in the future.
Financial informationI am looking for sold inoation technology in your market place.
Patent publications:No publication
Asking price:
150,000 USD
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