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Liquid organic Humic Acid
[Category : - Agriculture]
[Viewed 3048 times]
A method for product process of organic liquid Humic Acid without adding any chemical agents except KOH.
In this process method we breaks Humic Acid molecules and these molecules are very close to 10000 Dalton.
After completed this process we have a Humic acid fertilizer with this analysis:
Humic Acid %12.50 ( all molecules very close to 10,000 Dalton)
Fulvic Acid % 4.00
K2O % 3.00
Organic Amino Acid % 5.00 ( We don't add amino acid to this product)
Organic Nitrogen %17.5
Micro elements
1: In another technologies the molecules size of Humic Acid very different, maybe from 10,000 Dalton to 100,000 Dalton and majority of these molecules are bigger than 60,000
Dalton but in our process these molecules are under 20,000 Dalton.
ٌwhatever The Humic Acid molecules breakdown and close to 10,000 Dalton, in this case these molecules very better for plants and growing
2- In another technologies producers using some chemical agents like anti foam and surfactant but in our process we use organic surfactant and anti foam.
3- In this process we have 5% organic Amino Acids and 17.5% organic Nitrogen.
4- our product color very close to brown because color of humic acid is brown and when we breaking the humic acid molecules this color look steady.( picture 2 and 3).
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