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Collar system for protection of cats from dogs Many Uses.

[Category : - PET PRODUCTS]
[Viewed 3579 times]

A collar system featuring a dog collar with a first housing, wherein a shocking component is disposed on the first housing and a sound component and a receiver component are each disposed in the first housing, the sound component is adapted to emit a tone when activated and the shocking component is adapted to emit a shock when activated
and a cat collar with a second housing, wherein a transmitter component is disposed in the second housing, the transmitter component is adapted to send a transmitter signal to the receiver component in the first housing within a range
wherein when the dog with the dog collar is within the range of the cat, the receiver component receives the transmitter signal effectively activating either the shocking component, the sound component, or both the shocking component and sound component Think Of It As A Portable Invisable Fence. Use It To Stop Your Dog From Chasing Livestock, Breaking On Retrieves, Aggresive Behavior Towards Company,Ect. Everyone I Have Mentioned This To, Wants To Know Where They Can Buy Them. Need Capital,Partner, Or Willing To Sell Patent Rights Cheap, Just To Get Product On The Market , And Into The Hands Off The Millions Of Dog Owners That This Would Solve Their Pets Behaviorial Issues.

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I am open to almost anything. Iwould sell my patent for as little as 1,00 plus a 50 cent per unit roalty on all units sold. Want to see this product on the store shelves. Has many uses besides protecting cats. Put transmiter collar on anything you want dog to stay away from, or not go thru an opening,chase live stock,ect. This basicly should be thought of like a portable invisable fence.

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