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JIFFY LOADER Magazine Loader for Semi-automatic pistols

[Viewed 5242 times]

This handheld device is used to assist user with loading magazine clips with ammunition by relieving pressure off thumb.this helps considerably when reloading clips for long periods of time such as at firing ranges,armories or in the field as in military infantry situations.
it is small,one piece, all metal,lightweight, and uses light magnetic properties to hold to clips for easy holding while is small enough to fit in pocket or added to any field belts,packs easily.
this device is built in 2 models 1 for single stack mags, the 2nd version is wider for double stack clips.
this wide range of fit makes this device applicable to virtually all automatic pistols where most other similar products are model specific.

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I am looking for an outright sale of this patent.this product has not been marketed but sales potential is enormous due universal fit of both versions to virtually all automatic pistols.
contact#918-445-7009 cst.W.918-581-2292
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PRICE IS is negotiable. Also see ebay title (JIFFY LOADER patent magazine loader semi-auto pistols universal design)

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