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Passnumber, interactive method to authenticate users' login

[Category : - SOFTWARES- OTHER- Indentification and payment methods]
[Viewed 2961 times]

"USPTO Pending Patent" Passnumber application, an interactive method to authenticate users' login. A software that maintains a simple way to login. It's far secured method than the classical password method.

Users login attempts needs a reliable authentication method (Accounts sign in method), the classical method for users login "password method" in need to be more security and easy to be memorized and use. Password method is requiring from users to select a complex form of letters, numbers and special characters, moreover, this form has to exceed a certain number of length!

There are other types of authentication methods in need for additional devices to maintain the security of user’s login attempts, these devices are costly.

Other devices and software methods are either costly and overload the burden of users, or they are vulnerable towards hacking tools, stolen devices and misusing methods, those leads to break the users accounts.

Passnumber is a software method, and it maintains a simple way that any user can afforded and relay on it in the same time. This method is just a relationship between the user and the login interface components.

This method can produce Independent electronic locks for any kind of doors and gates and it can produce an authentication step (login/signin step) for any embedded systems, operating systems and a lock screen for electronic devices.

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This patent will be a revolution in authentication software methods field.

You can manufacture a new type of electronic locks using this method.
You can create a new type of screen lock for any electronic device.

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