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Traffic Fine System

[Category : - SOFTWARES- OTHER- Life-saving; Fire-fighting]
[Viewed 4953 times]

The invention provides a speed fine system which includes a vehicle control means, a trigger mechanism capable to activate the vehicle control means, a deactivation mechanism capable to deactivate the vehicle control means and a signal display means which is in communication with the vehicle control means and capable to display a warning signal.

The vehicle control means may be in communication with an onboard computer, alternatively the fuel system, further alternatively the engine revolution control system of the vehicle.

The trigger mechanism may be positioned at a remote location and preferably is a camera, alternatively a speed measuring device. The trigger mechanism may trigger the vehicle control means when the vehicle is travelling at excessive speed, but preferably when the vehicle is travelling at a speed of 5km/h greater than the allotted speed limit at the time.

The warning signal displayed by the display means may be a signla warning a driver of the vehicle that the vehicle engine will be switched off after a predetermined distance have been travelled, provided that the driver of the vehicle report to his nearest local authority in order to deactivate the vehicle control means. The signal display means may further include an auditable alarm.

The predetermined distance travelled may range from between 0 - 300 kilometers, but more paticularly may range from between 100 - 150 kilometers. The predetermined distance allowed to be travelled may be directly proportionate to speed at which the vehicle was travelling and the allotted speed limit, alternatively may be directly proportionate to the amount of times that a driver has exceeded the speed limit.

The deactivation means may be any device capable to transmit a signal to the vehicle control means and deactivating same. The deactivation means may include an authentication system for identifying the local authority and person responsible for deactivating the vehicle control means.

The authentication system may include a keypad on which a code may be entered, alternatively may include a scanning device such as a fingerprint or pupil scanner.

The invention further extends to a method for regulating the timeous payment of speed fines and regular monitoring of road worthiness of vehicles which method includes the steps of,
triggering a vehicle control means on board a vehicle via a trigger mechanism; displaying a message on a display means advising a driver of a vehicle to report to his nearest local authority, failing which the engine of the vehicle will be switched off after a predetermined distance have been travelled; and deactivating the vehicle control means after the driver of the vehicle has paid a fine and the vehicle has been tested for road worthiness.

The method may further include an authentication system for identifying the local authority and person responsible for deactivating the vehicle control means. The authentication system may include a keypad on which a code may be entered, alternatively may include a fingerprint or a pupil scanner.

The trigger mechanism may be a camera, alternatively any suitable speed measuring device. The trigger mechanism may trigger the vehicle control means when the vehicle is travelling at excessive speeds, but preferably when the vehicle is travelling at a speed of 5km/h or greater than the allotted speed limit at the time.

The predetermined distance travelled may range from between 0 -300 kilometers but preferably between 100 - 150 kilometers. The predetermined distance travelled may be directly proportionate to the speed at which the vehicle was travelling and the allotted speed limit at the time.

Financial information

We are looking to sell this patent outrightly as we are a small business and do not have the available capital to approach all the needed processes to get the invention into a position where it will most certainly benefit not only a larger organisation but also the economy of a country.

This is the first time our invention has gone to the public for viewing, it has not been marketed or sold anywhere before.

The market potential for this invention is massive, not only does it have the potential for large capital growth but it is for certain that it will directly impact the economic status of a country. Seeing that the current world yearly road toll is ranked in the overall Top 10 causes of death, killing more than 1.2 million people per year. This is an average if 800,000 more people per year than breast cancer.

Another example will be countries like Japan and South Africa where the yearly road toll is in a average of 8,000 per year. Looking at the social cost related to these fatal road traffic accidents one can easly see how the invention will benefit a country like these as statistics show that in a country like South Africa the annual average social cost associated to road traffic accident deaths is in the excess of $30 million US dollars and growing.

If this invention can reduce road traffic accidents in a country like for example South Africa, by a conservative rate of 10% (which we believe the invention can reduce crash rates by 55-65%) one can see the massive reduction in social cost it can bring to a country that is already struggling economically.

Unfortunately we have no further information in the form of a website or any other form intellectual property regarding the invention but the patent documentation.

I surely hope that someone can look at this invention and see the massive change that this can bring to our world. Road deaths are rapidly becoming one of the worlds major causes of death and this I believe is one of the only causes that the human race can change, all the other causes of death is in the hands of God.

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