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Letter-opener with rocker technology (Gold Medal iENA 2013)
[Category : - OTHER- Appliances and houseware]
[Viewed 6891 times]
How many letters do you open a day, five, ten, or even more? Are you happy with the results? Do you use a pen-knife or letter opener and have difficulties placing the point? Do you simply rip open the envelope with your hand to get to the contents? Then you must give LEO-2 a try. Its use is simplicity itself. Envelopes are opened quickly and accurately, with no danger for even touching the contents and without producing a mess. LEO-2 is a must for the modern workplace.
One hand holds the envelope. The other hand lightly pulls LEO-2 over the top of the envelope. Thanks to the rocker technology except for the thickest paper grade, the envelope remains intact. The top side of the envelope is uniformly and cleanly cut. The envelope is left intact producing no additional bulky garbage. The rocker technology evenly distributes the pressure applied by its user onto the edge of the envelope, so that different paper grades of varying thickness are opened with optimal force. Turning LEO-2 lightly allows for regulating of its cutting power.
LEO-2 opens envelopes dependably and neatly; no searching for the place to insert the pen-knife; no more ripped envelops or damaged letters. Thanks to its technology, you apply the pressure needed.
Find the start point under the flap becomes child’s play. One hand holds the envelope; the second hand glides LEO-2 over the top of the envelope. It is so easy and with no mess!
The blade remains hidden in the housing. Fingers are protected. The blade is also protected from unwanted damage.
The secret to LEO-2 is in its unique rocker technology. As soon as the blade touches the edge of the envelope, the envelope is directed down onto the rocker, and is then redirected upward. In this manner the blades penetrates the upper paper layer other layer remain untouched. Once the edge passes the pivot point of the rocker, the stiffness of the envelope itself determines the optimal pressure; the stiffer the paper the more pressure is applied.
The LEO-2 was presented at the International Exhibition 'Ideas – Inventions – New products' iENA – 2013 in Nuremberg. The visitors and the international jury were amazed and impressed. It got awarded with the gold medal.
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Financial informationMARKET POTENTIAL
The opener can be manufactured in different designs. As a decorative key chain (since the blade is fully protected, there is no risk of injury), as a useful promotional gift or as an essential office tool.
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