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[Category : - OTHER]
[Viewed 2372 times]

A saw chain sharpening assembly including a support member, a grinding head, a clamping device and a cooling system whereby the saw chain sharpening assembly is adapted to provide a means for efficiently sharpening small and/or large chains.

The invention relates to the area of saw accessories and in particular to a saw chain sharpening assembly which is adapted to provide a means for efficiently sharpening small and/or large chains.

Conventionally, sharpening machines have been used to sharpen various saw chains once they have become damaged or worn. Most saw chain sharpening machines are capable of effectively sharpening smaller saw chains with a .404" pitch however; they are not robust enough to sharpen a larger saw chain having a 3/4" pitch.

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We are looking for an outright sale, the invention has been sold successfully within Australia and New Zealand.

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