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Lighting solution for pilots, navigators, truck drivers, ...

[Category : - Automotive Accessories - ELECTRICITY & LIGHTING- Navigation and orientation]
[Viewed 4474 times]

Here is a lighting solution that is truly unique. Designed from the ground up to fulfill the lighting requirements for a highly reliable easy to use light source for both general high intensity white lighting and low intensity red lighting for night adaptation. For example, airplane cockpits use red lights so pilots can read their instruments and maps while maintaining night vision to see outside the aircraft. The same can be said for navigators on ships, truck drivers, train engineer, control rooms on submarines and any situation that requires night vision acuity.

The operation is very straight forward. There is one control knob that when rotated will either illuminate a high intensity white light (halogen lamp or LED) from just illuminating to full brightness or illuminate low intensity red (LED, non dimming) for night vision. By rotating the knob from on to off, the dome light toggles from red to white light and if toggled again will revert back to red.

Financial information

All rights to US patent 7462993 covering the design of the Dome Light is for sale for $18,850.00.

Please note the Dome Light design is almost complete and very close to building production units.

In addition, all engineering data and all components including prototypes can be made available. If required I, will make my engineering services available to further help bring the Dome Light to market if desired.

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