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[Category : - SOFTWARES- Ordering and selling methods]
[Viewed 4264 times]

The present invention is a garment sizing system that that identifies the correct garment size for a particular garment type for a plurality of brands. In an embodiment, the garment sizing system is a client-server system that uses at least one server to host a website, garment sizing software, and at least one database. The consumers access the website over a communication network using networked devices. The database is populated with garment data such as garment type, brand name, brand line, retailers that sell that sell the brand, garment size, and dimensional garment measurements. Using the website, the consumer inputs the consumer

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I am looking to sell the patent and am willing to sell the website as well Link and apps for blackberry, iphone and android.

This is a valuable tool that can be licensed to major online retailers.

I am open for to realistic offers.

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