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[Category : - HEALTH]
[Viewed 4460 times]

Post-surgical bra for quadrectomy, mastectomy and/or mammary surgery, comprising a support and containing corset divided into at least two parts, respectively front part and rear part, tightened about patient thorax, said corset supporting a cups bra, and providing at least two bandage bands that are passed about the patient thorax, crossing them many times, to be finally fixed giving the proper containment function without using adhesive tapes.

Financial information

Looking for 1) a partner to promote the product even all over the world OR 2) a company buying the invention

- the product is patented in Italy too.
- approx 2 millions operation per year ( >450k in US , >80k in Italy , see worldwide statistics : Link )
- currently in start up , sold via web ( and Amazon .us, .it,.uk)

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