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A New Exciting Puzzle Game

[Category : - MECHANICAL ENGINEERING- OTHER- Toys and games]
[Viewed 6059 times]

In 1974 a Hungarian professor of architecture Dr. Ernő Rubik invented a puzzle that the entire world soon came to know as Rubik’s Cube. It is reported that up to date almost 400 million Cubes have been sold worldwide making it the world's top-selling puzzle game. It is widely considered to be the world's best-selling toy.

Our invention-sourcing company offers for sale an invention which could be seen as a new version of Dr. Rubik’s brainchild. We call this puzzle Za-Ring.

This invention is covered by a pending US patent application (USPTO Publication No. 20130140770). In addition to infinite number of toy puzzle variations, a fun computer game could be created (for PCs as well as for smartphones and tablets) based on the features protected by patents issued from these patent applications.

The pictures below are not photos but rather graphic renditions of the product by our artist.

Financial information

For your money you will get exclusive U.S. rights to the invention. No one but you will be able to manufacture, distribute or import this product in the United States. You'll be running the entire venture yourself.

Of course, you'll have to invest additional funds in development and operation of this business from scratch. Do your own due diligence: ask us questions, consult your own accountant and your own attorney. We are looking for an outright sale, but every reasonable offer will be entertained.


Had Dr. Rubik timely patented his Cube in the US, he would undoubtedly end up a multimillionaire. Now you can get a chance to become one too.

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Page created at 2025-04-01 1:01:36, Patent Auction Time.