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Blankiebed "The self covering pet bed"
[Category : - PET PRODUCTS]
[Viewed 6491 times]
Non-patent lawyer description
The "Blankiebed" is a self covering pet bed. They come in small, medium and large size. The cover is removable,washable and replaceable.Although the Blankiebed is not breed specific, it has proven extremely popular with pets that like cover up or burrow in there (or your) bed. This goes for dogs, cats and ? worldwide.
We can find nothing like it anywhere.
You can leave home and know your pet is warm and comfortable in there cozy safe haven called the Blankiebed.
Financial informationWe are looking for a licensing agreement or a buyer for all rights to the product.The buyer would receive all rights to the US patent, trademark, professional made patterns,prototypes and all remaining inventory.
The product has been marketed previously only locally and in one national magazine
as a test only. But with great results.
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