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Litter scoop with disposable insert /oil spill clean up tool
[Category : - CHEMISTRY- Tools- PET PRODUCTS]
[Viewed 8268 times]
A kitty litter scoop having a scoop handle with a disposable grated scoop insert which when used can sift the cats waste that is mixed with cat litter and when it becomes clogged and soiled can be thrown out and another grated insert attached. This solves the problem of having to clean or replace your litter scooper when it becomes clogged with wet and sticky cat waste and litter. It is very useful in apartment settings where the kitchen sink or bathroom sink are the only places to clean a clogged cat litter scooper.
Other possible uses are :
OIL SPILL TAR BALL RECOVER TOOL : Use as a oil spill (tar ball) clean up tool. During the Horizon oil spill kitty litter scoops were used to sift tar balls from the sand on beaches. Although the kitty litter scoops they were using were the best tool at their disposal they did have there limitations because the grates on the scoops would get clogged and the scooper had to be discarded and another one employed. My Scoop would correct this problem with its disposable grated insert. When the scoop gets clogged it can be removed and easily replaced and since the grated insert is plastic and made from a petroleum product it could easily be recycled along with the tar balls without having to separate the two .
CRIME SCENE EVIDENCE RECOVER TOOL The scoop could be use to recover evidence when sifting through dirt or sand is necessary . It would stop cross contamination by utilizing the disposable grated insert mainly after the evidence has been sifted out of the dirt/sand and is in the grated insert. Evidence can be placed into the evidence bag untouched by hands or other tools that normally would be used to handle the evidence.The entire removable grated scoop would be holding the evidence can be removed and placed into the evidence bag without being touched a second time. It would be especially useful for wet or sticky evidence because less tampering (scraping)will be need to place the evidence in the evidence bag due to stickiness, meaning less contamination before it reaches the CSI laboratory.
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