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Underwater disc golf locator
[Category : - OTHER- AMUSEMENT SPORTS- Golf]
[Viewed 7053 times]
Are you looking to expand your disc golf product offerings? Would you like to offer your amateur customers an innovative and useful accessory to compliment your current disc golf sales? Check out the Fizzeedisc!
The sport of disc golf is experiencing growth at the rate of 10-20% per year and is played in over 40 countries. Much of this growth can be attributed to the everyday, amateur player. Although not PDGA approved, The Fizzeedisc is the patented (patent # 8444513) underwater disc locator for the amateur player. The Fizzeedisc works on the inevitable water hazards by producing bubbles that appear on the surface of the water allowing the player to pinpoint the location of their disc. The bubble action is long lasting giving the player ample time to retrieve their disc from the depths of any water hazard. The Fizzeedisc is light weight, to not affect the performance of a disc, is easily attached using a water resistant adhesive, is durable to withstand normal playing conditions and is reusable.
The Fizzeedisc is currently being sold through various online outlets including Amazon, Etsy, Ebay and fizzeedisc.com garnering sales from all over the United States. It is also currently being sold at Play It Again Sports in Virginia and Tilley’s in Michigan with more brick and mortar offerings in the future.
If you would like to add the Fizzeedisc to your disc golf accessory inventory, please contact:
Andre Cournoyer
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Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.
Financial informationDisc golf is the most fastest growing sport in the world, it is growing at a rate of 10% 20% a year. The Underwater Frisbee Disc Loactor (Fizzeedisc) which can be seen in action at
Link the average Disc cost $14.99 - $27.99 there are over 6000 courses in the U.S.A which over 80% have water on some of the holes.
There are a few Disc Retreivers on the market but you need to be able to locate your favorite disc first to use them . Thats where the new one piece, lightweight, eco friendly fizzeedisc comes in play . I am interested in a partership or even a full out sell.
The Fizzeedisc is for everyday amatuer player , and trust me the pro's lose ther favorite disc as well...
Feel free to leave me with any questions.
Thank you
Andre Counoyer
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