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Application device to help prevent skin cancer

[Category : - HUMAN NECESSITIES- HEALTH- Life-saving; Fire-fighting]
[Viewed 5947 times]

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. Here are the American Cancer Society’s estimates for melanoma in the United States for 2014:
About 76,100 new melanomas will be diagnosed (about 43,890 in men and 32,210 in women).
About 9,710 people are expected to die of melanoma (about 6,470 men and 3,240 women).
The rates of melanoma have been rising for at least 30 years.
This simple invention could help protect and save lives.

How it works; It looks a little bit like a small paint roller however it works very differently. The roller is not only there to guide the spray evenly across you're back (or hard to reach area) but it also acts as the switch mechanism for the internal (replaceable) lotion canister. Once pressure is applied to the roller it simply pivots and pushes down on the nozzle resulting in a nice even spray.

This particular invention came to me when an old girlfriend constantly burnt her back while sunbathing alone. This made me realize there are several extremely common scenarios where people cannot apply protective lotion to themselves, such as; fishermen, construction workers, farmers, the elderly just to name a few.

Currently there is nothing on the market to combat this problem, this invention would genuinely save lives since we now understand just how harmful the suns rays are to our skin. The apparatus can also be used for applying medicated topical solutions possible to help with conditions such as acne or psoriasis.

Financial information

I'm looking for a license with royalties although I'm open to offers and if the price is right I'm willing to sell.
The market potential for this invention is massive.
It is very versatile and will suit every demographic, from beach going sun worshipers to construction workers, from senior citizens to fishermen their is no end to the possible marketing strategy.

The apparatus can be easily used for applying medicated topical solutions and not just sunscreen and the product will continue to generate money after the initial sale with refill canisters offering the varying degree of protection from the suns harmful rays.

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