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Stop Pet Tag Loss, Wear and Noise.

[Category : - DESIGN PATENTS- PET PRODUCTS- Fishing and hunting]
[Viewed 3709 times]

The product is a collar accessory that fits most collars (1"-2" wide).
It holds up to 3 Pet Identification Tags, displaying them through a window.
The product is easy to use and inexpensive to manufacture.

I worked at a national pet chain for 2 years while developing this product. During this time I learned not only the needs of the pet owner, but also pet professionals and the pets themselves. This product is marketable to the average companion pet owner for prevention in tag loss, tag wear and noise. It is marketable to hunters who wish to silence their hunting companions from alerting prey as well as prevent tag loss in rugged outdoor conditions. This product is marketable to pet owners of dogs with metal allergies who would otherwise be unable to wear tags required by city and state laws (Rabies Vaccination Tag, City Tag). The product appeals to all pet owners because they spend money on personalized identification tags (I have seen as much as $20 spent on one tag, only to have it worn and chipped days later) and the product prevents the tags from wear and loss. As a groomer I had to verify current rabies tags on our "clients" - many were worn and illegible after only a few weeks of wear by the dog if they still remained on the dog at all. Animal Control Officers and boarding facilities also benefit from clearly displayed, legible tags.

There are limited products available for this purpose. The most popular rubber ring style silencer is not fully effective and does not solve the problem of tag loss or wear.
Other pocket or wrap style options are bulky or easily removed by the pet and do not effectively solve the loss or silencing problem nor are they aesthetically pleasing.
None of these products completely prevent wear or make the information on all tags clearly and easily accessible.

As this is a Provisional Patent specific information will be given upon request, including Patent Drawings and Prototype Photos.

Financial information

Will consider outright sale or license with royalties.
This product has never been manufactured or on the market.
The product is currently protected under a Provisional Patent/"patent pending"

The pet product industry is a billion dollar industry, there is no doubt there is a market for this product. The product has a high profit margin with the suggested retail price of $9.99-$14.99. The product has the ability to come in a large range of colors or patterns.

Purchaser would be responsible for costs and fees associated with Non-Provisional Patent filing, including but not limited to attorney fees, as well as any other copyrighting and trademarking associated with the product.

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