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Organic fusion process

[Viewed 5240 times]

A new method and concept for the recovery of valuable materials from solid waste and the conversion of organic solid waste and sewage into crude oil, gas, usable elemental solids and water uses a two step process, solid waste reduction and an organic fusion process. Two resources are used in the Waste Resource Process, solid waste (municipal garbage) and waste water (municipal sewage). Waste water goes directly into the Organic Fusion Process. Solid waste requires processing for removal of non-organic products and preparation of the organics that are used in the Organic Fusion Process. Solid waste organics used in the Organic Fusion Process include, plastics, papers, food and yard waste, organic construction debris, waste oils, many household and commercial chemicals
anything with a hydrocarbon molecular structure.

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This was my grandfather's patent and I would hate to see it fizzle away. He retired from Texas Instruments and had many patents out there. He was working with some investors about buying the technology before he passed. Feel free to ask me questions.

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