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SIM-card-based 2.4 GHz wireless mobile payment technologies

[Category : - Telecommunications]
[Viewed 2962 times]

A portfolio of 200+ worldwide patents/applications covering SIM-card-based 2.4 GHz wireless mobile payment technologies allowing E-wallet capability add on to conventional cell phones.


Pioneer High-Frequency (e.g., 2.4 GHz) Mobile Payment Technology. Faster, More Secure Than Other Technologies (e.g., NFC). SIM-Card Based. Complete patent portfolio for licensing/sale. Complete technology transfer. Joint ventures/productions possible. Low cost: a few dollars to replace the SIM card. Complete package including 200+ Worldwide Patents/Applications directed to this technology

New and innovative aspects

-Plug-and-play technologies (e.g., SIM-Card-Based Mobile Payment Add-On Capabilities)
-Instead of getting a new phone with mobile payment capability, users can simply replace a SIM card, or plug in an add-on card, to add such capability to existing mobile phones
-Fast Deployment on the user side: only need to replace the SIM card or add a sticker to the SIM card;
-Fast Deployment on the POS side: no need to change the billing system; does not affect other applications
-Achieving Range Control with Magnetic Field
-Fast Data Flow with RF (e.g., 2.4 GHz)
-Extra Layer of Security


-Range: controllable from < 1 cm to over 100 m;
-ISO/IEC 7816 standards;
-< 7 mA @ 10 MHz core;
-low power mode of < 100 micro Amp
-Compatible with most smart phones;
-DES encryption and decryption rate: 33.08 Mbps;
-AES encryption and decryption rate: 2.6 Mbps (256 bits);
-CRC unit in compliance with ISO/IEC 3309 standard.

Main advantages of its use

No need to change the cell phone or the phone number; no need to install software; Controllable communication range with added layers of security.


Near-field payment; online payment; mobile credit cards particularly for large transactions; mobile banking; public transportations; convenience stores; parking; over-the-air recharging; gate control; IT resource management; mobile ticketing; coupons and advertisements.

Intellectual property status

200+ worldwide patent applications filed with over 20 already issued; all available for licensing

Financial information

Outright sale, or licensing

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