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Color Bottle Cap

[Category : - Food- HEALTH]
[Viewed 6190 times]

Color Bottle Cap is a bottle cap that can be rotated and locked in a position that will allow you to "personalize" your container. You turn the cap top, select the color you want, then push and lock. You can have several color choices, symbols or pictures. There can be tie-ins with branded products such as football teams or cartoon characters.

Color Bottle Cap works on different sized bottles and different product types. There are only three pieces: bottle cap; paper insert; top disk with window. The consumer sets the cap to lock by lining up the pins with the notches and pushing down. Once it is set, the Color Bottle Cap is locked in place and cannot be reset.

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Manufacturers should note that pins lock the bottle cap in the ship position so that it will not be disturbed in the moving process, and that the Color Bottle Cap does not add significant height to the bottle for packing. The process can be fully automated. Same plastic stock can be used. In volume, costs approach standard bottle cap costs.

We are looking to license this product or to sell this patent. We also hold a patent for it in the UK: 2459010 This is a new product that has not been previously sold or marketed. It has potential not only for drink bottles, but for other types of consumer bottles and medicine containers. Tie-ins with sports teams, children's shows, or movies are a few of the marketing possibilities.

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