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[Category : - Construction Processes & Equipment- RENEWABLE ENERGY]
[Viewed 5117 times]
NEW ROOF HYBRID solar tile: roofing element with electric and thermal energy cogeneration system
nEwROOF solar tile has a range of three different versions: photovoltaic only for the production of electric energy, thermal only for the production of hot water, hybrid for the production of photovoltaic and thermal energy.
These three different products with similar specifications and design offer e great opportunity to the workers in the sector: designers can satisfy any combination of energy requirement and installers can manage a product with a definitely easy assemblage. Everyone has also the possibility to:
“Producing thermal and electric energy on the place of demand, in symbiotic harmony with urban landscape architecture”
Financial informationGroup factory:
Italian patent 2011
Patent EU da PCT 1B2009 006023
TEGOLA SOLARE NEW ROOF is registered trademark to AZETA23 SRL
Market: thermal solar and photovoltiac solar ( BIPV)( BIThermal)
We sell Know how for production in other country world
We are looking for:
1_ Sell Italian patent, make new EU / US patent, sell know How
2-Financial and commercial collaboration to invest and produce in Italy and sell in the EU
Thermal and photovoltaic solar roof tiles:
- Pilot plants made 2012 -2016
- Production in factory DUBINO ITALIA form Italy and EU market
Hybrid solar roof tiles :
- Prototype in university LIUC laboratory ( politecnico MILANO)
- Industrialization completed and production for Italia and EU markete from Semptember 2014
Business plan / white technology papier / Pitch :available on request
Direct negotiation : ENZO CODURI
skipe : enzo.coduri
tel : 0039 3457538815
linkedin :

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