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Snowboard with foot-operated braking device
[Category : - OTHER- Fitness- Ski, snowboarding, skating and skate boarding]
[Viewed 8491 times]
Fact: Eight out of every ten people who try snowboarding never do it again. They say it is too hard to learn, too painful, and not very much fun. Randall Wasserman of San Diego, California, agreed with this opinion after attempting to snowboard on his own. He recognized that the traditional snowboard was counter-intuitive to the human body and is difficult to learn how to ride. Additionally, you cannot face forward and you cannot slow down or stop without turning. Mr. Wasserman knew there had to be an easier, more enjoyable way to snowboard, and he was right! He invented and patented the next generation snowboard called the Storm Snowboard: the snowboard with a foot-operated brake.
Randall Wasserman knew that the next generation snowboard needed to be easier to learn, fun to use, and simple to control. The new Storm Snowboard contains a retractable footbrake that allows the user to slow down without turning for a more intuitive boarding experience, and a revolutionary shaped bottom that enables the user to turn the board effortlessly. Best of all, it is easy, fun, and riders of all ages love it.
What is Special about the Storm Snowboard?
People love riding the Storm Snowboard because it gives them everything they love about snowboarding without any of the negatives. There is no learning curve. You just hop on and go; and there are no uncomfortable boots or bindings to slow you down. It’s just pure fun, and anyone can ride it – the very first time. The brake is easy to use and allows you to control your downhill speed and stop at anytime, no matter how you are standing, sitting, or laying on the board!
This radical new design allows riders to do things that have never been done on a snowboard before. The boarder can throw it down, jump on, and go – just like a skateboard, sled, or luge.
Who Should Use the Storm Snowboard?
When used by experienced snowboarders, the excitement of the Storm Snowboard is contagious. This new board offers allows the boarder to execute skills in an easier, more controlled manner. However, this board was not invented for today's two million hard-core snowboarders, it was created for the 20 to 200 million people that do not own a snowboard, but would if it was easy and fun to ride.
More Information about the Storm Snowboard:
To see the Storm Snowboard and to watch videos of our riders on the slopes, visit
Link or contact Randall Wasserman.
Randall Wasserman
Storm Snowboards
In the US: (858) 442-8700
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Financial informationTHREE PATENTS:
Patent US8157285B2 - Patent for the special braking device on the Storm Snowboard.
Patent US8083251B2 - Patent for the board with customized, curved edges.
Patent US8286989B2 - Patent for a footbrake conversion kit for snowboards.
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