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[Viewed 4636 times]

The subjects of the offer are new materials obtained by the modification of nanocrystalline titanium oxide(IV) and the photocatalytic coatings of TiO2 deposited on polymer surfaces widely used for the manufacture of disposable medical equipment. Materials can be applied for an efficient photocatalytic microorganism’s inactivation or organic pollutants.

Titanium dioxide (TiO2) based materials are commonly known as photocatalysts of environmental and biomedical relevance. Photoactive TiO2 irradiated with ultraviolet light shows antiseptic, fungicidal, disinfecting and odour-neutralizing properties. It can be used for production of self-cleaning surfaces as well as disinfection, sterilization or odour-neutralizing agents.
Plastics are used more often and more frequently, mainly because of their low price and ease of plastics adaptation to the requirements of developing society. Different types of packaging, equipment parts, small items, as well as medical equipment such as catheters, cannulas for single use, drainages, suctions, various dippers, are made of this materials. Unfortunately, the disadvantage of the medical equipment made of these materials is the formation of dangerous to health biofilm on their surfaces. It is one of the major risk factors for nosocomial infections. The minimization of this factor positively influences on the patients’ health as well as on the economic situation of medical facilities.
The subjects of the offer are photocatalytic materials based on nanocrystalline titanium dioxide, modified in a way allowing application of visible light. The materials photocatalyze the degradation of organic compounds and photoinactivate microorganisms very effectively. The technology offer includes also the method of preparing lasting coatings based on TiO2 on the polymers surfaces with photocatalytic and photosterilizing properties under irradiation with visible or ultraviolet light. The coatings may be applied for sterilization of the materials such as catheters, cannulas, drainages, suctions, food packaging.

The main advantages of the materials based on modified TiO2 are:
-lack of the dark-toxicity of both, the modified material and its components;
-visible light induced strong effect of phototoxicity towards microorganisms allowing elimination of expensive and harmful ultraviolet light sources;
-formation of transparent colloidal solutions that can be easily applied for various surfaces impregnation and coating thus forming thin photocatalytic layers;
-formation of photodisinfectant. films on various surfaces, especially on polymers such as: polyurethane (PU), polycarbonate (PC), polyvinylchloride (PVC), polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE);
-stability in a wide range of pH, especially in the neutral conditions (pH=7), contrary to unmodified TiO2 stable in the form of transparent colloids only in acidic media;
-lack of any negative influence either on natural environment or human body;
-low production costs.

Experimental tests of photodegradation of the bovine serum albumin as a model protein and Escherichia coli under visible light irradiation in the presence of modified nanocrystalline TiO2 confirmed a high photocatalytic activity of the materials.

Financial information

Offered materials are the subject of four inventions - patent applications (Japan, Russia, Brazil, Korea, Canada, Australia, Mexico). Further development of the invention is under progress at Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University. Currently the Centre for Innovation, Technology Transfer and University Development (CITTRU) is looking for entities interested in the license and commercial applications of the described materials.

Center for the Innovation, Technology Transfer and University Development (CITTRU)
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