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Fitness Equipment

[Category : - HEALTH- Fitness]
[Viewed 4786 times]

A training/conditioning device that simulates a sparring partner. You hit it, it hits you back! Work on jabs, uppercuts, head movement, footwork, defensive and offensive skills all at the same time as if you are in a real fight. As you will see, nothing in the fitness to fighting industry comes even close.

Registered information on patent description...
An exercise device and sparring apparatus that includes a supporting base, a biasing mechanism coupled to, and supported vertically above, the base, a shaft attached to the biasing mechanism, and an arm member disposed in substantially perpendicular arrangement with the shaft, with the arm member further including a cushion disposed upon a punching end of the arm member.

Financial information

We are looking to out right sell our patent, but licensing w/ royalties will be considered.

This product has not yet been available to the general public. However, it is in use in gyms in Arizona.

We also have a facebook page that has a little info on this product and we get inquiries of where to purchase it on a regular basis. Link

The boxing/martial arts equipment industry has been in need of something exciting and new for some time now. Our product fulfills this void and has made the current distributors line up of fitness to fighting equipment incomplete.

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Page created at 2025-04-01 0:51:09, Patent Auction Time.