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Religius door/picture topper

[Category : - OTHER- Appliances and houseware- DESIGN PATENTS]
[Viewed 4866 times]

this is a reminder of what the blood of jesus means to us each day put this over our doors, in our churchs,sundayschool rooms,i have been selling these at christian book stores, and on internet,, shopzilla& soforth, sell now @ 34.95 need someone to take this product to next level / or christian company that has a vision! investors? this country, this WORLD needs this new product!!!! i am ready to sell !!!!!!!!!!!!!! this product can reach many people all it needs is to be seen promoted !! i dont have the money could be real good money maker let me know soon! before i change my mind! 5,000.00 will buy all rights to it now. alabama 205-625-8700

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want to sell /keep part royaty.

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