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Removable Security Insert for Open Sliding Glass Doors

[Category : - OTHER- Construction Processes & Equipment- CONSTRUCTION HOME IMPROVEMENT]
[Viewed 6408 times]

The sliding glass door security assembly is a security insert system, which is installed into the opening of a sliding glass door in its partially open position. There are millions of rooms in the world that have no other means of providing fresh air and ventilation without leaving a sliding glass door open. Sliding glass doors left open are statistically the single most contributing factor in home intrusion crimes of opportunity, these crimes range in scope for loss of personal property to rape and murder.. The Adjustable telescoping top is for different height requirements, the Top locking shim is for vertical locking to prevent lifting out and removal,The Adjustable side flang is for different door thicknesses and provides additional vertical stability and the Locking/Centering studs are used to center and lock the insert in place..all or any of these features can be used to fit most standard size sliding glass door and will not effect the lateral movement of the sliding screen. The locks used are the same one purchased all home improvement store to secure sliding glass doors.. To remove the security insert just unlock slide door away , remove top locking shim and lift out. The pictures shown in the patent papers are prototype, to see finished production model scroll down in this listing. This includes one finished unit, and installation instructions and all promational photographs etc..

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I will to sell this patent for $5,000 dollar with a $2.00 per unit manufactured royalty.

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