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Antisinking System for Large Seized Vessels

[Category : - Life-saving; Fire-fighting]
[Viewed 3169 times]

My patent is about a system that prohibits a large seized vessell from sinking, under any circumstance, even after a grounding of a large ship, or collision between ships, torpedos strike, sea mines, bad wheather, etc. Recently i got positive IPER from the WIPO, so now i have decided to rent the Intellectual Property Rights, and not sell, due to the required time before a commercial product can be produced. My web site is Link and Link Requires a few years or scientific research from universities. Reguires millions of euros of financial support. Can be used for military purposes or for commercial puproses. It will save billions of euros from marine insurance companies. It will establish a worldwide monopoly for that system. Sign of non disclosure agreement required before official nagotiations.

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