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Method... for Gaming Gambling over the Internet

[Category : - SOFTWARES- Toys and games- Telecommunications]
[Viewed 5897 times]

this patent is a part of the portfolio of 7 US granted patents and 1 US Continuation application.

This patent brings Presence Awareness to online games like cards, chess, checkers etc. All players can see each others’ “hands” moving as they are playing the game in the virtual workspace. Cards can be picked up by players’ cursor and moved around over arbitrary paths and watched by everyone in real-time. Current technologies limit the users to predefined “deterministic” moves e.g. moving a card from one position to another over a predefined path. In contrast, Link demonstrates how players can participate in an online game with similar interactions and movements as playing in the real casino.

- this patent has never been marketed
- sale condition: grant back to inventor to use
- is used in Link Link
- full information is at Link

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