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Method... for Publishing a Meeting Content in the Internet

[Category : - SOFTWARES- BUSINESS METHODS- Telecommunications]
[Viewed 6929 times]

This patent is a part of the portfolio of 7 US granted patents and 1 US Continuation application.

Every meeting participant of Link can publish structured and hand-drawn content that was created during the meeting. A recording of the multi-user collaboration can be played back at varying speeds. No HTML knowledge is required to generate the content. Once published, the web pages are immediately accessible on the Internet. The format of the web pages reflect the exact layout and content, that was created during a meeting. Current technologies only cater to standard HTML, and are restricted with regards to the placement and overlapping of text, pictures and hand-drawn content. This patent overcomes those restrictions.

- this patent has never been marketed
- sale condition: grant back to inventor to use
- is used in Link Link
- full information is at Link

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