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Dynamic Text Generation in All World Languages without Keyboards
[Category : - SOFTWARES]
[Viewed 4924 times]
Description of the IP:
This IP was developed by an independent solo inventor with self funded resources. It pertains to Information Technology, more specifically text generation in foreign languages and is useful in internet communication, search engines, social networking, email, chat, advertisement, website creation, information security etc.
This IP is of interest to the following companies:
Social Networking companies such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Orkut, LinkedIn etc
Website development facilitators such as Google, Yahoo etc
Internet portals that enable users to host their personal web pages or websites
Universal text generation software providers
Website and Internet portal developers in all non-English languages
Mobile phone and device manufacturers
Virtual keyboard developers
E-book developers
Information security companies
Importance of the IP:
This IP is very significant for search engines, email, chat, advertisement and website creation applications, and social networking sites, where people wish to communicate in their native languages but are unable to do so due to the lack of keyboards. Also, the technology enables website users to define their login credentials in their native languages, thereby significantly enhancing the security of online transactions. Further, it is of great interest to mobile device manufacturers like Blackberry, Nokia, Ericson, Samsung etc and can be used in mobile communication devices to communicate in all world languages without any language specific keypads.
Dynamic Language Text Generation enables its users to generate text in any language without any language specific keyboards, fonts and client installations. It provides light weight language pads and can be implemented for any language for which Unicode is defined. Language Pads are instantaneously available for use as part of the web pages wherein users wish to generate text in their native languages. Text can be generated in any language of interest through character lookups and mouse clicks. Users can change languages easily through selection from a dropdown list. Further, text can be generated in multiple languages within the same screen and mixed up for use in all Internet operations such as search, email, chat, advertising and website creation. Users can generate text without any physical key boards in languages such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Laos, all Indian, Arabic, Armenian, Georgian, Thana, Hebrew, Syriac, Farsi, Urdu, Sindhi, Pashto, Tajik, Russian, and all Latin and Cyrillic scripts.
Relevance to other companies:
This IP is highly relevant to software applications related to search engines, email, chat, advertisement, website creation, web hosting, social networking, word processing, mobile devices etc.
Presently Google provides a transliteration tool of primitive nature on its search engine to generate text in a limited number of foreign languages. The transliteration tool converts English text to a selected foreign language as it is entered by users. However, text generated by transliteration is highly subject to typographic errors and most often requires back and forth corrections.
Dynamic Language Text Generation of this IP introduces a novel concept of text generation through Dynamic Characters Menus wherein users can type any required character of a selected language just by displaying it on screen via DHTML characters menus and clicking it with cent percent precision, thereby leaving no scope for errors and corrections in the generated text.
Today internet users are not able to browse the Internet in their native languages due to the lack of language specific key boards though there is surplus content on the Internet in foreign languages. Transliteration tools and virtual key boards available on the Internet are too hard to use and generate text in foreign languages, causing errors and requiring corrections to the text generated.
Many social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter provide foreign language versions of their networking applications but unfortunately lack the facilities enabling their users to communicate, tweet and blog in their native languages. Dynamic Language Text Generation system of this IP will remove this shortcoming and start a new trend and era in Internet communication.
Online auction sites such as Ebay can utilize this technology to enable their sellers to input their product details in the languages native to the products, such as for books in foreign languages. Similarly, Ecommerce sites can display details of sale items in foreign languages as it makes more sense when they sell products that are in demand in certain geographic locations.
Websites and Internet portals require this IP to enable their registered users to define their login credentials in their native languages. When web application users login to their accounts using their native language passwords, their security is multiplied astronomically. This fact was proved mathematically in the technical specification of the patent application. For example, an eight character Chinese password is 1.88x1020 times stronger than an English password the same length. Similarly, an eight character Hindi password is 8.48x1035 times stronger than an English password the same length. Further, Japanese passwords are 1.85x1012 times stronger than English passwords. Information security companies such as Symantec, TrendMicro may utilize this IP to enhance their product portfolio.
Every search engine, email, chat, advertisement, website creation, word processing, social networking and communication application requires Dynamic Language Text Generation system to enhance knowledge gaining, sharing and communication by its users several folds on the Internet.
The following is a small list of companies of significant relevance to this IP:
Search Engines:
AOL Search
Social Networking
my life
Word Processing
Mobile Device Manufacturers & Supporting Software Developers
Black Berry
Sony Ericson
Online Auction
Barnes & Noble
Information Security
Computer Associates
Notes: For a demo of how the technology can be implemented and utilized, interested bidders are requested to visit the Internet portal
Link and use its search engine, email, chat, advertisement and website hosting applications to experience text generation in all non-English languages they know, through the dynamic language menu pads provided therein.
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