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Constant speed drive system
[Viewed 2107 times]
The system provides a vehicle engine, always running at its best sweet point at maximum efficiency and minimum pollution level. The speed of the vehicle is controlled by means of a specially designed gear box, by adjusting the out flow of a hydraulic pump attached to the gear box. The system also provides stepless ratio from zero to infinity. There is no clutch or shift lever provided.
The constant speed system eliminates the complicated injection system and enables the engine to produce the max. Torque through out the operation; and reduces the amount of nitrous oxide and carbon monoxide to the bare minimum. These are the most harmful chemicals exhausted from the vehicles, slowly killing a good percentage of the public by puncturing their lungs.
The system can also prolong the life of the engine to a large extent. After about 10 years the present design of the engine, operating at varying speed, will have to be faced out of the world.
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