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anti-vandal mailbox - cheap to produce

[Viewed 6521 times]

patent for sale
To the attention of manufactures and entrepreneurs US patent number 7,032,811 B1 ? Rotatable mailbox with flexible support. Invented by Keneth Paulic and Dmitry Atrakhimovich of Scranton., PA

Background of the invention-the idea came when several winters in a row inventor?s rural type mailbox was hit by snow plough and destroyed. The traditional 2x4 support was hard to reinstall in winter conditions with the frozen ground. As a solution a basically indestructible mailbox was invented. When hit it either flexibly bends or pops out from the ground when hit real hard.

It could also be spread over in Southern States as well.
It is protected against:
-garbage trucks
-snow ploughs
-cars when parking
-vandalism- baseball with mailboxes


-easy to install- no 2x4s , no digging the whole, just push it in with your foot
- comes in full package, no need to look for tools or parts to install
-indestructible- the top spins when hit or would disconnect when hit hard and then can be reinstalled easily.
-pops out from the ground or bends with the spring when hit by a snow plough or a car
-the top is rubber made, could be run over by a truck and restore itself to the original form.
-can be made in different colors
-even could be used as the bird feeder 

The cost to make- 15$
Estimated sale price- 50$

Could be sold at Home Depot, Lowe?s, K-Mart, Wal-Mart, on QVC channel .

US Market- 30 million homes, and 1 million new homes being built every year also has sale potential in Canada.

We will consider leasing options as well.

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