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MatLab source program for the Magic Square Number Puzzle
[Category : - Toys and games]
[Viewed 1804 times]
MatLab source program for the Magic Square Number Slide Puzzle (4x4)
Starting from a randomized disposition of a set of given different numbers we can
search for a possible Magic Square solution moving the numbers, what is enabled
by one empty field (00). The order number of a move is shown. The program has
been published as MAGIC44A.M* 1.11.1999. One of the possible solutions is
09 14 02 05
04 03 15 08
07 00 12 11
10 13 01 06
where the sum is now, in vertical, horizontal and diagonal direction, always 30.
*The source program has been available till 2005th on the link:
Patent publications:No publication
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