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Four Malty Billion Dollar Patent's in One
[Viewed 6975 times]
There is a nether attachment I have but I don't know how to add it on here. Only to my Emails I send.
And I am looking to sell or team up with a nether railroad company.
Four Patents in One.
1.) Railroad Tie Replacement on the run and leaves nothing or very little behind.
2.) Recycling the old railroad Ties.
3.) Recycling the old spikes and Plate ext. to manufacture
4.) Locking device that secures the rail to the ties.
Creating Jobs that will need supporting Business Across America. I started all this to find a way to make some money to help the handicapped. People that are handicapped and only have there Disability Check as a Income..
I heard about a Railroad Tie manufacture that had just gotten there first patent And with in the First couple Mouths they had patents in forty different countries and over nine billion railroad ties on order. That where just samples going to over forty different countries.
So I got this Patent. That was written buy two patent attorneys that had 40 years of Esperance EACH !!! It was the last Patent they did before they retired. Its one of the best patents you will ever read.
But I was thinking if I could make at least one dollar from every tie railroad tie. It could be enough money that I could use to help the handicapped. Jeb Bush once told me Billions Malty Billions. And Now it could add up to ? $3.00 a Tie And Maybe more ? After the ties are Replaced, And recycled into fire retardant plywood or charcoal. Or from recycling the old locking device that secures the rail to the railroad ties to manufacture the new Locking device that secures the rail to the Ties. It works like a Bear Trap. It's one of the main keys to replace the ties on the run. Maybe as fast as One mile an hour ? + or - ? (There Are 3000 ties in a mile + or - ) Less down time on the tracks. And this Locking Device becomes part of the tie. It lays flat so it can go under the rail and when the wait of the rail is on it. It will spring open and secure the tie to the rail. Like a Bear Trap. And also help prevent with having lose locking devices as time go's on. Less mantanice, Less Down Time on the Tracks. And to Release it you just pick the Rail straight up.
I Need investor for the Business plan. And a mechanical engineer to build my patent on CAD so everything can be seen in motion.
I would like to talk to Eric Trump again and see what his foundation can do that helps the handicapped and maybe give the money to his foundation ? And Maybe ? He can introduce my Business plan to his Father ? I was also thinking that maybe I could start a in house Firm. that would have everything the handicapped would need to start there own business. like ? patent attorneys, Engineers so on and so on. So that they don't spend the rest of there life Dreaming like I have.
I have a Visual Memory so I can picture anything and everything I think about in my own mind. And I can picture things in motion with everything working down to the smallest detail and zoom in and zoom out as if I was looking at it in real life.
But this Patent can do so much more. I just need to be able to higher my Team To present it. Paul Burke to wright my business plan. And a mechanical engineer to build it on CAD so it can be seen in motion the way I see it.
I was a Crew Chef on the old F4 Jet in the air force. I worked in the Phase Hanger as a Inspector. So I would like to higher Vets to do the work.
Please Contact Me at your earliest convince. And I can send you what I sent to Mathew Rose CEO Burlington Railroad The One Buffet Bought and Maybe the foundation that helps the handicapped that Bill gates has ? I have talked to Eric Trump already because he has that foundation that helps the handicapped. And Maybe ? if he likes my business plan ? he can hand it to his father ?, And talk about all the jobs and supporting business that will be needed.
Jeb Bush. And there are a Few more. They have all told me they like what I have but they cant do anything with out a business plan. And this Business plan has No End to all the possibilities.
Paul Burke The guy I want to wright my business plan his father has bin in charge of all the railroad crossing in ? six states for 30 + years and will have the contacts IF we need them for the business plan. And I need to renew my corporation. Ties Across America Inc.
Please Contact me and I will try and answer any questions you might Have. Its the never ending story that can Start right Hear. If we go into Supporting jobs and Business. But then Paul will need more money ?? IF YOU CAN HELP ME. I need to Sale or team up with a Nether Company with the seed money for my business plan and a Mechanical engineer, and maybe some travel expanse's. $150,000. should be enough for every thing But ? I feel that we might need a Grant righter also ? If there are any Grants. ? $$$,$$$. to wright the Four Billion dollar Grants or more. ? But if this Business plan turns out the way I want it to. It should keep the grant righters cost down.
The railroad tie I have though about so much has new owners now and they have asked me not to mention there tie until we can talk some more. I need to get them a Business plan also. Infect they will be the first railroad tie manufactures I want to talk to first. Because I have a Few ideas on how to manufacture there tie on the RUN as Well !!!!! from gravel pit to gravel pit to the largest tier dump in the world near Chicago. And every Tier Dump in-between. And then on to my operation. we can Move like locus across the country. Creating Jobs and business. that will need supporting business..
I can see EVERYTHING in my own Mind. In Motion, Trees, any obstruction that might interfere with the down riggers. So I think my cars will be used mostly out side of Town and not there town unless it is possible. we will need at least nine feet clearance on both sides of the tracks. But all this will come out in the business plan. And I will need a Car to replace the Rock's after the ties are set. Unless a Mechanical engineer can help with doing it at the same time. ? I think it can be don. if we use the old rocks.
Can You Help Me ? I just need a Business plan at this point and I am open to all possibilities. with in reason. I didn't spend 20 years just to give it a way. Maybe you might have a Idea Or Two ?? on what's Fair ? you must have seen a Few things like this before ?
I just need to find the seed money at this time. to make it presentable. to sale or team up with a nether company.
Financial information I just need to spend some time with my Business planer Paul Burke and get this Business plan Don First before I can come up with a Price. I don't want to ask for to much or to little at tis point. Jeb Bush once told me Billions Malty Billions.
I don't really know what I want Yet. I am just open to all possibilities at this Point. Some money Down of course But the Real Money will be in the Royalty Fees. and it doesn't have to be much. There are Roughly ? 3000 Ties in a Mile. And I can maybe get my operation to move at one mile an hour. That's My Goal.
Sale ? Team up with a Nether company ? I don't even have a Clue what this is Worth. I just think it could mean a Lot to the hole country if we started using the Rail more then we do just based on the population growth and the supporting Business. (What do you think Buffet was thinking when he bought Burlington Railroad ?) To Me that's where the REAL VALEW IS. How do you put a Price on that ? At this Stage of the game. Its not a Game to me. I beleave in this so much I have devoted my life to this. its all i think about. I just believe that once my business plan is don and I get it into the right hands. ??? I can Move on to my next idea that will help the railroad bed erosion problem. There i have a idea for a product and a way to install it. But that's a Nether story. But really important because that's a Big Problem with the railroad bed erosion.. Bigger then Old Railroad Ties. MY IDEA IS MAKING A PRODUCT that is rolled over the problem area's to divert the water from the railroad bed it self before the rocks and ties are added.
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