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Autonomous fuel-free electromagnetic generator
[Viewed 1798 times]
The search for energy sources substituting hydrocarbon fuel is one of today's most pressing problems. Fuelless generators would be capable to solve the problem in a cardinal way. There exist working experimental prototypes of such generators, built in USA and in Russia. However they have not been realized as industrial products.
This project presents a theory explaining the principle of fuelless generator functioning, including the nature of motive forces and the energy source. This theory allows to establish a mass industrial production of such generators. The existing examples of fuelless generators serve as an experimental corroboration of the presented theory.
Using this theory as the base we have developed projects of alternative generators, less complicated by construction and by the production technology as compared with the existing experimental models. Thus, 1) a new theory of fuelless generators is presented, 2) this theory does not contradict to the existing physical paradigm, 3) the theory is corroborated by experiments in USA and Russia, 4) a full system of computation methods for the generator is presented, 5) several new constructions for the generators is presented, 6) a simple production technology for the generators is presented.
I sell the rights to an international patent: 20% for 1 million dollars. There are other options for sale.
In addition, the author sells the theory, methods and programs for calculating generator of Searl, Reed and Minato. I sell a set of documentation for each generator for 200,000 dollars, and documentation for the preview for 2000 dollars.
Patent publications:No published informationAsk the inventor for a copy of the filed application
Asking price:
1,000,000 USD
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