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New York Victory

[Category : - DESIGN PATENTS]
[Viewed 913 times]

New York Victory artwork -
An example of the artwork called "The New York Victory Sign" It was designed following the 9-11 tragedy to represent the spirit of this country and show support for New York City.
"The New York Victory Sign" has been created to be simple to reproduce using a variety of printing and other mass production methods. It is a great addition to any sporting goods, apparel or sportswear item for both men and women such as T-shirts, swimwear, sweats, hats, scarves, and so on. It can also be reproduced on a number of souvenir items such as cups, key-chains, bags, badges, etc.
This artwork has been recently registered for Copyright protection so its uniqueness is well preserved. The author is flexible in his approach to transfer the rights on an exclusive or non-exclusive basis depending on your interest.
As a sporting goods, apparel and sportswear manufacturer local to NY area, you might be interested in looking further into this opportunity. In that case, please contact us for continuing discussions.

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