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[Viewed 6807 times]

.. A food container sealing system, having an improved primary membrane seal for the prevention of contamination of the container or "pouring-spout".. This new primary membrane seal having a break-away attachment at or on the very top of the pour spout with a deep depression in the center of the membrane seal which encloses a self-contained extractor loop.. This reduces overall spout height and completely protects the inner surface of the pour spout during the opening process. This new art primary membrane seals the pouring spout to the "same-surface" of the secondary or "re-seal closure" cap. The "same-surface" primary and secondary re-seal closure level insures aseptic food handling during the three phases of; pre-opened manufacture and transportation, opening by the user and secondary re-closure and storage.. This seal system allows the primary container to be safely opened and re-sealed while insuring a non-contaminated secondary storage.. The inner surface of the pouring spout is protected from finger contamination during the opening process by totally enclosing the finger in the deep depressed center of the break-away seal and to the same surface resealing by the secondary closure cap.. The only "touched and contaminated" surface is the inner surface of the primary membrane seal which is totally removed and discarded.. Prior art finger contamination of non-protected inner pour spouts is the most common contamination process for membrane sealed pour spout food containers.. A common cause of food spoilage, food borne illness and disease.. This new art seal is the only pour spout container seal meeting the FDA guidelines for "non-touch", non-introduction of bacterial contamination in multi-use, resealable, pour-spout containers and can be adapted to dozens of products.. Please review the complete description at the USPTO using the application number below and download the free TIFF viewer for full images... License to manufacture this unique new "health preserving",low product liability, "next generation", hygienic, multiple seal line for a % of net sales or purchase outright assignment... Questions, comments or proposals are invited... Email, [Use the button below to contact me]

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