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Concealed Carry --- Trigger SAFETY CLIP
[Viewed 17652 times]
.. Carrying a concealed weapon is great personal protection but only if the risks of carry are controlled..
.. First carry in an "in place", containing holster, never shifting behind a belt or lose in a pocket. Quick draw is important but NOT as important as CONTROL of the weapon. Drawn "muscle memory" from the same place.
.. Never carry a two stage ready gun, where you must use two hands to charge a round into the chamber and unless you are an expert professional NEVER carry cocked and locked.
.. Shoot and practice, practice, practice and only practice the draw part,, UNLOADED.
..Carry ONLY a behind the waistband, no hammer, small frame, .38+p w/ hollow points. ..Max protection, max. average user reliability and safety, minimum show..
.. For instant use and reliability, revolvers have NO hammer protection or trigger safety,
.. It is insane, for personal "safety", to carry w/o hammer or trigger cover..
.. U.S. Patent 7,266,921 A fitted, non-mar or "soft-surface" plastic, clip-on/clip-off "handgun safety clip" design for any handgun having a trigger, hammer [open or enclosed] and a trigger guard. revolver or pistol...
..The clip-on safety device provides maximum safety during the concealment, carry and extraction of concealed handguns by clipping securely behind the trigger and engaging both the trigger, trigger guard and with the upper ramp-clip securing over the hammer...
..The secured clip-on-safety prevents accidental discharge if the weapon snags on clothing or is grabbed blindly or extracted in excitement...
.. The safety-clip secures by holding the hammer down and the trigger forward...
.. Carry in your pocket, pants, coat, belt or holster...
.. Once extracted the "hammer/trigger safety clip" is quickly "flipped-off" with the thumb and simply falls away, discarded...
.. The firearm is instantly fireable. This is the only simple, quick, cost effective and safe "concealed carry" safety system...
.. Don't shoot yourself in the leg or worse! Carry YES, but carry safely!
.. Know your weapon is safe! Revolvers are the best, most simple, most reliable defense weapon [point and pull] but DO NOT have a "safety"...
.. Please review the complete description at the USPTO with the patent number below...
.. License to manufacture this unique new patent protected product line for a percent of net sales or purchase exclusive assignment of all patent rights for the life of the patent plus extensions and you own the patent.
.. Make small frame and medium frame versions [simple plastic injection molds] for all the major "concealable" revolver and pistol brands in "blister packs on racks" [2 to a pack] and "own" this market...
.. Having a patent protected product allows higher profit margins and a safer business..
.. Have your own, unique, easy start up, patent protected, high margins, multiple product line in the gun business. Perfect for on-line sales, gun-shows, gun-shops, catalogs and magazine ads business. Your installed customer base?,,,,Over 273,000 concealed carry permits issued in the U.S. this YEAR with over 3.7 million total concealed carry permits already issued, plus many carry w/o lic...and that's only in the US...
.. Questions, comments are invited... E-mail: [Use the button below to contact me]
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