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Rice cooker lid

[Category : - DESIGN PATENTS]
[Viewed 82 times]

Videos - see you tube ( The Smart Steamer Lid )

1.The smart Steamer lid fits between the saucepan and the normal lid
2. The smart steamer lid completely changes the way food is cooked by allowing heat out and maintaining a pressure within the saucepan That a normal lid cannot maintain alone.
3. This pressure and reduction of loss of steam allows any food to e steamed and not boiled like water less cookware.
4.. benefits are:-
5. Very tasty food, all nutrients are locked in eg, if you were to cook 10 different potatoes in the same pot, they would all taste different, maintaining their own unique flavor
6. Uses 70% less energy as cooking on very low heat eg on gas mark 1 is sufficient to maintain a 100 degree c cook throughout the cooking cycle
7. The lid of the saucepan doesn't get hot since the steamer lid absorbs all the heat
8. Cannot burn food because cooking on low heat, the water doesn't dissipate,
9. Food doesn't cook dry because the lid maintains water level
10. Food doesn't lose color whilst cooking
11. Food holds its form as its being steamed
12, Using less water helps to keep the saucepan lighter
13. Less hot water helps to keep the kitchen safer
14, The kitchen doest need to have an extrcer on since there is

Financial information

1. An outright sale is fine.
2. The product has been sole but not marketed properly regards to its energy saving qualities. Oddly companies steered away from this.
3.The product has received a 4.5 rating and a 100 % feedback from people I have personally spoken with.
Its definitely a competitive product.

I have no website
No trade mark

As an Inventor, Designer and manufacturer, I have secured licenses in other fields which I wish to peruse. so leaving this one behind. Also I still think its a brilliant product.

I have approximately 8k units left.
There is potential for this to be a brand
I can do a demo anytime.
The product is open to the Guinness Book of World records as the fastest rice cooker in the world.

I would still like to do that one day with 3 tonnes of rice.

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