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radio EEG

[Category : - HEALTH]
[Viewed 58 times]

The EEG device is one of the revolutionary ideas in the field of neurotechnology because this device gives a complete and detailed map of all the movement of the brain's nerve impulses and uses radio waves in its work and is safer and more effective. The device works on two principles: the first uses the measurement of the time rate of change in the intensity of the radio wave resulting from the interference resulting from the collision of the wave with the electrical signal surrounded by the magnetic field that affects the path of the radio wave. The second principle is measuring the intensity of the radio wave and is similar to the work of the first principle, but there is no clock to measure the time of change in the intensity of the radio wave. Each level in the intensity of the radio wave represents a specific color. According to the color contrast, the movement of the brain's nerve impulse can be known.

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