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[Category : - HUMAN NECESSITIES- HEALTH- Ordering and selling methods]
[Viewed 79 times]
A new wave of saving a trip to your local super markets and or store. Quality convience just a dash away within a comfortable distance of your daily routines. A way to get household pantry items as well as sexual desires if needed. Weather your headed out the office for home for the day or your at a hotel on a vacation stay. Dont blink our machines just a dash away!
You'll find items such as sex toys, condoms and even planB pills, tattooing needles, tattoo ink supplies such as gloves, A&D ointment, snacks, drinks and much more. Dashmachines subject to change according to demographics, location, and curtesy to age requirments for certain products! Willing to join partnership with Doordash. Uber, Lyft, Amazon to name a few!
Financial informationSeeking partnership with royalties with primarly Doordash open to Amazon, Lyft and Uber
Patent publications:No publication
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