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Geotyre technology to stabilise the flexible pavements.

[Viewed 7 times]

Geo tyre technology to stabilize the flexible pavement. It is the cost effective, ecofriendly, self sustainable and long lasting solution for flexible pavements on soft soil having low CBR. It can be used either at subgrade level on soft soils or at GSB level in case of hard soil with natural CBR of 8 to 10%. This innovative solution also addresses the problem of disposal of waste tyres in a useful and ecofriendly manner in lieu of present common disposal by burning. This also helps to a great extent in reducing the global warming effect.

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The patent is on sale or to licence it on royalty basis for good price. Any ine interested either an individual or company like geocell sellers
May contact with details of offer. As the world is facing serious problem of global warming, this innovation has boom in the market. As all flexible pavement can be rehabilitated with this innovation, technology has financially very good market all over the world to enhance the sustainability and durability of pavements.

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