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Fluid Delivery System for a Vehicle
[Category : - Automotive Accessories ]
[Viewed 14 times]
This fluid delivery system for a vehicle solves several problems, and can be configured in multiple ways, such as allowing an occupant to clean footwear and/or hands prior to vehicle entry to aide in protecting the cleanliness and integrity of the vehicles interior. We’ve all clunked our feet together prior to getting inside a vehicle only to still bring debris inside the vehicle.
This system is also able to allow the user to clean the exterior of a vehicle without having to go to a car wash.
The system could also be used to target snow and ice removal on a vehicles exterior to facilitate gaining faster access to frozen doors, hatches, trunks, and hoods, while additionally providing an easier ability to melt ice on windows allowing greater visibility in inclement weather.
Invention Demonstration Video Link
LinkFinancial informationOpen to selling the patent outright, licensing the rights with royalties, or some other form of partnership.
This is a utility patent, and has never been previously sold or marketed.
This patent allows for several new automotive accessories and features. It could be designed and built into new vehicles, or packaged and sold as aftermarket kits for anyone with a vehicle.
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