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[Category : - Security and alarms]
[Viewed 40 times]
A fire extinguishing arrangement for integration into a domestic clothes dryer, washing machine, refrigerator, freezer, fridge-freezer or dishwasher. The fire extinguishing arrangement has a fire extinguisher that is sized and shaped to be set in the free internal space around the inner workings of a domestic clothes dryer, washing machine, refrigerator, freezer, fridge-freezer or dishwasher. The fire extinguishing arrangement further has a trigger mechanism that is operable to trigger the fire extinguisher to release an extinguishant, a heat detector capable of operating the trigger mechanism when pre-set temperature is reached. The heat detector is further placeableat a remote location to the fire extinguisher. The fire extinguishing arrangement also can also break an electrical circuit (e.g. to cut the power source to the appliance) when the heat detector detects a pre-set temperature.
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